CHEManager featuring pictomind’s Leadership and Team Sparks
How to change culture and strategy in businesses effectively: read more here in the CHEManager.
This involves strategically positioning
Although many believe that education should prepare children for a global market There has been an effort to acknowledge the importance of children's health to be considered when designing curriculum and structuring school days. Azure credit. In this regard educators...

Einführung und Verteilungsplan COVID-19-Impfstoff / RHI-Werkstattgespräch: In welcher Gesellschaft wollen wir leben
Das Roman Herzog Institut hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, drängende Fragen unserer Zeit besser zu durchdringen. In dem Werkstattgespräch am 02.12.2020 haben wir uns eingehend mit einem wichtigen Thema auseinandergesetzt: der Einführung und dem Verteilungsplan des...

Statistik in der Krise – Paneldiskussion der DStatG zum World Statistics Day 2020
Anläßlich des World Statistic Day 2020 fand eine Panel-Diskussion zum Thema "Statistik in der Krise" mit mit der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft DStatG und folgenden TeilnehmerInnenstatt: Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich (Vorsitzender der Deutschen Statistischen...

Rückblick – Wachstum, Wohlstand, Wohlbefinden: Welche Wege führen zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung?
Prof. Dr. Angelika Zahrnt (BUND), Prof. Dr. Karen Pittel (ifo-Institut) und Prof. Randolf Rodenstock am 29. Juni 2020 im Gespräch im interaktiven online-Format - konzeptioniert und moderiert von der pictomind GmbH Wie sieht ein zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaftssystem aus?...

Gemeinsam kreativ – jetzt auch online: Wie co-kreative Prozesse in Teams auch im digitalen Workshop-Raum gelingen
Check-out our interview with the CHEManager on how co-creative processes work also in the digital space. Check-out the full article here.

Keynote at Kuraray’s European Future Days
Markus was invited as keynote speaker at Kuraray's European Future Days. With his speech, he kicked-off the two days virtual event with more thant 100 participants from all contintents. It not only inspired the audience, it especially helped to already implement major...

Conference with Staatsministerin Dorothea Bär und Chefvolkswirt der BayernLB Dr. Jürgen Michels
Co-creating the future jointly with Staatsministerin Dorothea Bär und Chefvolkswirt der BayernLB Dr. Jürgen Michels together with almost 80 members of the Bayerische EliteAkademie Alumni in a virtual conference. Find more here.

Paper of the Roman Herzog Institut on the impacts of the Corona Pandemia published
The comprehensive outcome of our "Virtual Room for Relection" on the impacts of the Corona pandemia is published now as a paper by the Roman Herzog Institut. Find it here:...

Volume 2 of explanatory drawings around SARS-CoV-2
Soap and SARS-CoV-2. This is an other volume of our series of explanatory drawings around the Coronavirus. We use it in our work with interdisciplinary teams to create a common understanding and hereby get all participants in a position to contribute. pictomind: we...

Explanatory drawings: how the Coronavirus works
We mostly work with interdisciplinary teams who want to understand more about the current situation. That's why we started to create a series of explanatory drawings. Our goal is to create a basic understanding and hereby get all participants in a position to...

Virtual room for reflection: launch of new format jointly with the Roman Herzog Institut e.V.
Reflecting the impacts of the Coronacrisis on society jointly with top level executives and experts was in focus when establishing an entirely new virtual format for the Roman Herzog Institut. Read more about this here.

pictomind: exclusive interview in the CHEManager magazine
The CHEManager magazine talked with Dr. Markus Armbruster and Reto Aschwanden. Read the here full interview.

pictomind develops concept and facilitates major workshop: Technology experts from the chemical industry want to reduce CO2 emissions through collaboration
Representatives from 20 international chemical companies, including scientific experts and Chief Technology Officers, recently attended a collaborative innovation workshop at BASF in Ludwigshafen at the joint invitation of BASF CEO Martin Brudermüller and the World...